Thursday, September 25, 2008

In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, what is the significance (including the literary devices) of Hamlet's first soliloquy?

, by , explores 's
journey from the loss of his father to his final act of revenge against his father's murderer.
The first time we meet Hamlet is in Act One scene two, and he is not happy. His mother has just
gotten married--to , her brother-in-law and the man who murdered --only a month or so after her
husband, the man she seemed to have loved so desperately, died.

Both Claudius
and his mother scold Hamlet for acting so mournfully, and Hamlet says he will try to please
them; however, as soon as he is alone we hear his thoughts in his firstof the play. 

The first thing he wishes in thisis that he could just die, that his "too too
solid flesh would melt /Thaw and resolve itself into a dew!" His second wish is that God
had not said that it was a sin to commit suicide, or obviously he would already have killed
himself in his misery. Hamlet is a man who is concerned about the afterlife, which is one of the
reasons he does not quickly kill Claudius, as Hamlet knows what God says about murder,

Hamlet describes his unhappy and unprofitable life (in the form of a )
as unweeded
That grows to seed; things rank and gross in
Possess it merely.


For the rest of the soliloquy, he is angry with his mother for
seeming to love her husband so well that she cried "Niobe's tears" (anto the Greek
goddess Niobe who cried in her grief even after being turned into a stone statue) and then so
quickly marrying Claudius. He compares his father to Hyperion and Claudius to a satyr; then he
says Claudius is as much like King Hamlet as Hamlet is to Hercules--which means they are not at
all alike (more allusions to Greek mythology).

Hamlet says, "Frailty,
thy name is woman!" and compares his mother to an animal, saying a dumb beast "would
have mourn'd longer." He is disgusted that she is sleeping on "incestuous
sheets," and knows "it is not nor it cannot come to good." Despite his heartbreak
and anger, Hamlet knows he cannot speak his sorrow to these two people: "But break, my
heart; for I must hold my tongue."

This is the first time we hear
Hamlet's thoughts, and it is clear that he hates his current life. He does not like Claudius
because he is an inferior man to Hamlet's father, and he is angry with his mother for making
such a terrible choice after seeming to love her first husband so much. Anyone in Hamlet's
position would undoubtedly be thinking the same things and feeling the same way, another example
of Shakespeare's universal . 



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