Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What is the role of Laurie's father in "Charles"?

Lauries father does not seem to
notice that his son's behavior is inappropriate, which might explain Lauries

Lauries father is not much of a disciplinarian. 
When his son is rude to him, he does not correct him.  You can draw a direct connection between
this and his behavior at school toward his teacher.

lunch he spoke insolently to his father, spilled his baby sisters milk, and remarked that his
teacher said we were not to take the name of the Lord in vain.

Lauries also calls his father dumb, playing a game with him and then stopping to
laugh insanely.   It is typical kindergarten behavior, but it also shows disrespect and is
somewhat manic.

Lauries mother is focused on s behavior, and Lauries comments
about him.  She does not notice her own son and what he is doing in front of her own eyes.  In
the meantime, her own husband is absent while being right there too.  He just doesnt seem aware
of his son or care what he is doing.  He finally asks Laurie about Charles.

What are they going to do about Charles, do you suppose?  Lauries
father asked him.

Laurie shrugged elaborately. Throw him out of school, I
guess, he said.

He may be displaying some presence of
mind here, aware that Laurie actually is Charles.  Whether he is or is not, he is at least
bringing the concept of consequences home to Laurie.  Nonetheless, he manages to get worse and
worse, convincing a little girl to swear and telling his father what word she said.

What word? his father asked unwisely, and Laurie said, Ill have
to whisper it to you, its so bad. He got down off his chair and went around to his father.  His
father bent his head down and Laurie whispered joyfully.

His father is definitely gullible.  Both of his parents are na¯ve and just a little
too trusting.  This is why the Charles thing goes on way too long.  When Lauries mother goes to
the PTA meeting and finds out about her sons true character, they really should have known all
along.  All of the warning signs were there.

The focus of this story is
usually on the mother, but when you shift to look at the father, you notice that the mother is a
little overwhelmed.  Both parents are gullible about Charles, but the father in particular seems
to be manipulated by his son and his son's particular plaything.  The relationship between
father and son actually goes a long way to explain Laurie's behavior.

always want to believe what's best of their children.  You never imagine that your child is the
one who is causing the trouble, or having the bad reputation.  One way or another, it is the
parents who influence their child's behavior. 

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