Sunday, January 10, 2010

What are some figures of speech in Thomas Gray's poem "Elegy Written in a Country Churchyard"?

's powerful
and evocative poem, " in a Country
Churchyard," employs a Neo-classical form while
demonstrating poetic
techniques of Romanticism. Gray's elegy is written in heroic quatrains of a

lofty tone--a stanza of four lines of iambic pentameter having the rhyme

scheme abab. It ends with an epitaph, a poetic inscription intended
to be
on a gravestone. 

Below are some figures of speech
that this poem

the attribution of human traits to
non-human or inanimate objects

  • In stanza 9: "Let
    not Ambition mock
    their useful tool." Ambition is capitalized as
    though it were a name, and it
    "mocks," which is a human trait.
  • In
    stanza 9: "The
    boast of heraldry, the pomp of

    power,/ And all that beauty, all that wealth e'er gave." "Boast" and
    are human characteristics.
  • In stanza 11:
    "Flattery" can
    "soothe," and "Death" possesses a "cold
    ear." "Flattery" is given the human
    ability to soothe; Death is mentioned as a
    person who possesses an ear and
    refuses to hear.
  • In stanza 12:
    "Hands" might have been
    "swayed"--(persuaded). Hands are a human trait, and
  • In stanza 13: "Knowledge to their eyes her
    page." The feminine pronoun her is used with the
    quality of knowledge,
    thus affording it human qualities.

  • In stanza 22: "Forgetfulness"
    is "dumb." Because most objects and
    living things are mute, making it notable that
    something or someone is unable
    to speak is personification.
  • In stanza 23:
    "The voice of
    Nature." Nature is likened to a person who speaks.

: (often) an unstated comparison of two
things; one thing is spoken of as though it were something

  • In
    stanza 9: "The boast of heraldry"
    (noble descent, wealth and power) and "the
    paths of glory" (honor and
    distinction) "lead but to the grave." Gray makes
    unstated comparisons of
    noble descent to the possession of wealth, power, and "paths of
    glory" to
  • In stanza 15: "The little tyrant of his

    fields withstood." Here, Gray alludes to the unknown poor who are buried in the
    and the possibility that some of them may have been infamous or
    great if they had been of a
    higher social station and of notable names. The
    farmer, for instance, is likened in an unstated
    comparison to a "tyrant."
    Also, another buried in this forgotten churchyard may have
    been "Some mute
    inglorious Milton," and still another may have been "Some


: The repetition
consonant sounds in a line of poetry

  • In
    stanza 9, the /p/ is
    repeated-- "the pomp of power"
  • In
    stanza 22, the /l/ is
    repeated-- "Nor cast one longing lingering look
  • In
    stanza 25, the /h/ is repeated, as is
    /s/: "Haply some hoary-headed swain may

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