Wednesday, February 24, 2010

In The Great Gatsby by F. Scott Fitzgerald, what does money symbolize?

represents different things to different people in the novel.

For thewho
don't have money, particularly , money represents security. A large part of his attraction tois
her affluence: all her life, from childhood on, she has lived in a household with enough money
and has never known want. It's Gatsby who notes she has a voice "full of money," the
truth of which hitslike a revelation. He realizes that to Gatsby she is "the king's
daughter, the golden girl," the one who represents the financial security he longs for.
Daisy exudes the kind of easy assurance of a person who has always assumed her material desires
would be satisfied. Gatsby wants to be joined with that, because for all the wealth he later
acquires, he carries the scar of early poverty.

Myrtle, too, wants money to
erase the grim, restricted life she leads with George in Valley of the Ashes. She would love to
marry, although that will never happen, and in the meantime, she derives a sense of...

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