Friday, June 11, 2010

In Oedipus the King, what good qualities does Oedipus have?

Like many great
kings,has many good qualities. First, he learns of the prophecy that he is to grow up and kill
his father and marry his mother. Not knowing that he is adopted, Oedipus leaves his home and
family in order to prevent the prophecy from manifesting itself true. No doubt, he is saddened
by the fact of leaving his homeland, but he does so to protect his parents. He proves he is
unselfish by leaving. He proves he cares about others more than himself.

Sadly enough, in all his efforts to prevent the horrific homicide of his own dear
father, Oedipus runs directly into his terrible destiny. Unknowingly, he murders his father and
marries his mother. Again, unknowingly, he seeks out the murderer of King Laius, his father, in
order to rid the land of the plague from the gods. Oedipus displays a genuine, deeply concerned
attitude. Truly, Oedipus cares for his new kingdom and its people. He meets directly with his
subjects and promises to kill the man who has caused the plague. Oedipus deeply cares about

Lastly, not knowing that he himself is the murderer, Oedipus searches
the land for King Laius' killer. When learning that he himself is the murderer of his own
father, Oedipus tragically takes his own eyesight through blinding himself. He cannot bear to
look upon himself. Although his horrible fate comes to pass, Oedipus had tried in every way to
prevent it. Nonetheless, Oedipus accepts total responsibility for thethat occurs in his life. He
doesn't blame anyone but himself. Again, this is a great quality. He did all that he could do to
benefits others. The real tragedy is that so great a man had to suffer for crimes he never meant
to commit.

Overall, the reader has no ill will toward Oedipus. The reader
only has pity for such a horrible outcome in his life. After reading the Oedipus tragedy, the
reader views the character of Oedipus as a good man who could not escape a terrible prophecy.
Due to Oedipus' honest character, the reader never questions the integrity if Oedipus. The
reader is left with the impression of a great man who greatly suffered despite his good

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