Tuesday, September 14, 2010

In his novel titled Animal Farm, why does George Orwell use allegorical methods to discuss the Soviet Union of his day?

histitled , aon the Soviet Union and its dictator, Joseph Stalin, during
the middle of World War II.  Before the war, Stalin and the Soviets had been the ideological
enemies of Adolf Hitler and Nazi Germany.  Just before the war broke out, Stalin found it
convenient to sign a non-aggression pact with Hitler €“ a move that shocked and disillusioned
many communists overseas.  (Some, however, loyally defended the pact.) When war did break out,
Stalin and Hitler divided Poland between themselves. Thus, Stalin became almost an ally of
Hitler.  In 1941, however, Hitler surprised Stalin by launching a massive attack on the Soviet

In the war against Hitler, the Soviet Union was now an ally of the
western democracies, such as the United Kingdom, the United States, and the British
Commonwealth. Many people in the west recognized that Stalins dictatorship was in many ways at
least as bad as Hitlers and that the alliance with the Soviet Union was merely an alliance of
convenience. If and when the war against Hitler was won, tensions with the Soviets were almost
inevitable.  Such tensions became especially unavoidable when, in the immediate aftermath of the
war, the Soviets imposed communist dictatorships on many of the countries of eastern

, who had long been deeply suspicious of many kinds of
authoritarianism, wrote Animal Farm as an allegory because openly attacking
the Soviet Union might have seemed damaging to an ally during a time of war.  However, the
allegory Orwell composed is so transparently anti-Soviet that no one could possibly
misunderstand the object of his satire. The novel was not published until after the end of the
war; it was rejected by several publishers who feared offending the Soviets.

Orwell thus had practical reasons for writing an allegory. However, Orwell may also
have felt that writing the book as an allegory would make it more interesting to read than
another dry political tract would have been.  All the charges made against the Soviet Union in
Animal Farm were well-known charges and could easily have been expressed
again in yet another essay.  By writing the book as an allegorical novel, Orwell made old
charges seem fresh and clever.

Orwell himself wrote that he merely hoped to
find a publisher who

(a) has got some paper and (b) isn't
in the arms of Stalin. The latter is important. This book is murder from the Communist point of
view, though no names are mentioned.


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