Saturday, July 16, 2011

Based on his response to the Cyclops, what can be inferred about Odysseus?

In the
ninth book of 's
Odyssey, Odysseus tells the Cyclops that his name is


€˜Cyclops, you ask my name and I will tell
it you;
give me, therefore, the present you promised me; my name is Noman;
this is what my father and
mother and my friends have always called

This is an
example of the keen
intelligence for which Odysseus was noted. It was Odysseus who reputedly

thought of the idea of building a wooden horse to enable some Greek soldiers to get
inside Troy
and open the gates for the entire army. This led to victory in
the Trojan War after many years
of siege. Odysseus knows he cannot trust
Cyclops and that his life as well as the lives of all
his followers are in
extreme danger. He actually has the foresight to anticipate that Polyphemus

will be calling his fellow Cyclopes for help after he had blinded him. This turns out to
be the
case, but when the other one-eyed giants ask what is troubling him,
Cyclops shows he has fallen
for Odysseus' trick.

But Polyphemus shouted to them from
inside the cave, €˜Noman is
killing me by fraud; no man is killing me by force."

Because the blinded Polyphemus is left to deal with
Odysseus and
his men all by himself, most of them manage to escape from his
cave. So Odysseus not only had
the intelligence to get Polyphemus drunk and
to put out his single eye with a heated stake, but
he also had the foresight
to realize that Polyphemus would asks the other one-eyed giants to
help him
and that he would have to find some way to escape from the cave when the only exit
blocked by an huge boulder. Odysseus knows that the giant will have to
remove the boulder next
morning to let his sheep out. He thinks of the ploy
of having his men get out with the sheep by
hiding them underneath the
enormous sheep.

"There was
to be a man
under the middle sheep, and the two on either side were to cover him, so that
were three sheep to each man. As for myself there was a ram finer than
any of the others, so I
caught hold of him by the back, ensconced myself in
the thick wool under his belly, and hung on
patiently to his fleece, face
upwards, keeping a firm hold on it all the time."

The blind giant felt each sheep as it passed outside, but
he did
not touch any of the men, including Odysseus, who were clinging to the
thick wool underneath the
animals. In addition to displaying Odysseus'
cunning and foresight, the episode exemplifies his

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