Tuesday, October 18, 2011

In what sense may Oedipus be regarded as a better man, though a less fortunate one, at the end of the play than at the beginning? What has he gained...

In the end,now
recognizes that he is not the authority on everything in the world. Though he was able to answer
the Sphinx's riddle, free Thebes of her tyranny, and rule for many years in peace, Oedipus now
sees that he is "the gods' abhorrence." Thus, he is "willing" to be lead by
, Oedipus's brother-in-law and uncle, who is the new king of Thebes. He was never willing to be
led by another's judgment before. Oedipus tells Creon that the god of prophecy, Apollo, clearly
set out to "destroy / The parricide, the scoundrel; and I am he." In other words,
Oedipus now recognizes his true powerlessness in comparison to the gods; he recognizes their
authority and his own weakness, despite the immense pride that he had exhibited for the majority
of his adult life. He is, therefore, a better man because he has gained perspective and become
humbler as a result of his experiences.

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