Sunday, July 8, 2012

Please provide quotations about religion in To Kill a Mockingbird.

There are
several references to religion in the
book.  Religion is a backdrop for everything that takes
place.  There are
several instances of outright conflict between religions, such as Miss
regular confrontation with the Baptists.

Miss Maudie said:
Foot-washers believe anything thats pleasure is a
sin. Did you know some of €˜em came out of
the woods one Saturday and passed
by this place and told me me and my flowers were going to
hell. ( )

Miss Maudie's view of God differs greatly, as

she believes that flowers are beautiful things.

There are instances
religions co-mingle, such as the football game and the ladies' social. 
They are just not quite
comfortable with each other.

It was customary for every
circle hostess to
invite her neighbors in for refreshments, be they Baptists or Presbyterians,

which accounted for the presence of Miss Rachel (sober as a judge), Miss Maudie and
Stephanie Crawford. ()

There is
also conflict between
Blacks and Whites, as they attend different churches. 
When Calpurnia brings the children to her
church, some disagree.

Lula stopped, but she said, You
aint got no
business bringin€˜ white chillun here they got their church, we got ourn. It is
church, aint it, Miss Cal?

Calpurnia said, Its the
same God, aint it?

statement shows that she believes that
differences in religion, and
differences in race, are secondary.

 Religion is
a part of
life in Maycomb.  Whenexplains why he needs to defend Tom Robinsons, he puts
ethical views in terms of religion.

 This case, Tom
Robinsons case, is something that goes to the
essence of a mans conscience, I couldnt go to
church and worship God if I
didnt try to help that man. ()

 Atticus also invokes Gods name strongly during the trial, in his

 I am confident that
you gentlemen will review
without passion the evidence you have heard, come
to a decision, and restore this defendant to
his family. In the name of God,
do your duty. ()

has provided
the town with a moral education.  He has shown that it is important to stand up
what you believe in, and that looking down on someone for the color of
his or her skin is
wrong.  In this statement to the jury, he is calling on
them to consider their religious and
moral beliefs and make the right
choice.  Although they dont, the fact that they do deliberate
is proof that
advancements have been made.

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