Wednesday, July 16, 2014

What techniques does William Stafford use in order to get across his point of view in his poem "Five A.M."?

The two
primary techniques William Stafford uses to create meaning and express his point of view in the
poem "Five A.M." are sensory images and details. This poem captures a peaceful, early
moment, as the title suggests; it is a snapshot of the sights, sounds (sensory images), and
details of a pre-dawn walk.

In the first stanza, notice the sights and
sounds, both explicit and implied, which the speaker encounters on his walk.  

still dark, the early morning breathes
a soft sound above
the fire. Hooded
lights on porches lead past lawns,
a hedge; I pass the house
of the couple
who have the baby, the yard with the little
dog; my feet pad and
grit on the pavement, flicker
past streetlights; my arms alternate
easily to
my pace. where are my troubles?

The "morning
breathes a soft sound" (probably a slight wind) and he can hear the grit beneath his feet
as he walks. The porch lights shine but are not glaring (they are "hooded"), and he
sees the streetlights only as a flicker. It is easy to imagine an early-morning-dew scent for
the hedge and yard, as well. These sensory images are added to the details of his swinging arms
keeping pace with his stride and the family, with a baby and a dog, who are nowhere to be seen
at this moment but certainly part of the speaker's memory and experience. The overall effect for
him is to ask himself, rhetorically, where his worries (presumably the reason he is out walking
this early in the morning) have gone.

The speaker's positive reflections
continue in the next stanza as he considers the many things in the world that do not go

There are people in every country who
turn into killers, saints have built
sanctuaries on islands and in
conquerors have quit and gone home, for thousands
of years farmers
have worked their fields.

His attitude of tranquility
continues with these specific details. While serial killers exist, they are rare (though he has
problems, they are not the only thing in his life); saints serve even in isolated places (good
can be found anywhere); "conquerors have quit and gone home" (trials do end, often
inexplicably); and life and productivity have gone on forever and will continue to do so
(despite the problems which inevitably arise).

Finally, in this more tranquil
state, the speaker wends his way home.

My feet begin the
uphill curve
where a thicket spills with a birds every spring.
the air doesn't
stir. Rain touches my face

The sensory images continue:
the ache of walking uphill, a thicket of remembered bird sounds, air which does not move, and
the feel of rain on his face. In this short walk, the speaker has made peace with himself, and
the world rewards him with a refreshing rain. 

Stafford's use of
sensory images and details depict this journey from a troubled mind to a soul refreshed and

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