Sunday, November 23, 2014

What are examples of hyperbole in Elizabeth George Speare's The Witch of Blackbird Pond?

is a form of
figurative language used to express exaggeration. Dr. Wheeler gives us the example, "His
thundering shout could split rocks" ("Tropes," Carson-Newman University). In
,frequently uses hyperbole to describe Kit's
greatest , Goodwife Cruff.

A couple of examples can be found
during Kit's trial for the accusation of being a witch in Chapter
19. When Prudence Cruff is called to the witness stand to testify, Prudence acknowledges that
Kit secretly taught her how to read from the Bible at Hannah Tupper's house. Speare
uses hyperbole to describe Goodwife Cruff's
to the secrets Prudence reveals during her testimony. For example,
Speare describes Goodwife Cruff getting prepared to say something hateful about Kit and how she
had bewitched her daughter in the following:

Cruff drew in her breath through her teeth in a venomous hiss.

This sentence draws a comparison between Goodwife Cruff and a snake in order to make
her hateful reaction sound as evil as a snake hissing. However, since Goodwife Cruff didn't
literally hiss like a snake, we know this sentences serves as a hyperbole to give an
exaggerated description of Goodwife Cruff's hateful

The next moment, after Prudence's father expresses
pride in her newly demonstrated reading abilities, Speare uses hyperbole to describe
Goodwife Cruff's shocked reaction to her husband's pride:

Goodwife Cruff's jaw dropped.

The sentence describes Goodwife Cruff's mouth hanging wide open in shocked disbelief.
But, jaws do not literally drop the way we might drop an object to
the floor; instead, they open wide or hang open. Since Goodwife Cruff's  jaw does not literally
drop, we know this is another example of hyperbole.

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