Tuesday, March 24, 2015

1984 describes a society in the future where every aspect of human life is controlled by the party in power. How true is this in real life?

dystopiadescribes in indeed has great relevance to our lives, as other
responders have pointed out. In fact, the correspondence between the book and our lives today
has so captured the imaginationand political commentarythat an entire web site has been devoted
to it. See trivia-library.com for lots of information on this topic. One example at that site
compares the Oceanic methods in the novel to those used by the US government through the FBI and
CIA. Certainly all of the press recently concerning the prison at Guantanamo, not to mention Abu
Ghraib in Iraq, suggests that representatives of our government have used unconstitutional not
to mention inhuman methods (contrary to the Geneva Convention) to obtain information when they
deem it necessary. Popular culture makes this seem heroic (if not sexy) in the television show
24. Find trivia-library on 1984 at


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