Saturday, April 11, 2015

Identity a major event where Elies father demonstrates resistance in order to save his and Elies life?Was this resistance successful? Why or why...

his book href="">Night,
author href="">Elie
Wiesel writes about the horrors of the World War II death camps. On the trip to the
camp, Elies father saves his life:

I felt two hands on my
throat, trying to strangle me. I barely had time to call out: "Father!" Just that one
word. I was suffocating. But my father had awakened and grabbed my aggressor. Too weak to
overwhelm him, he thought of calling Meir Katz: "Come, come quickly! Someone is strangling
my son!" In a few moments, I was freed.

perhaps not as heroic, there are many other instances when the father protects Elie or
sacrifices for him or even tries to be brave for Elies sake. All these actions contribute to
Elie's ability to survive the camps. For instance, when another prisoner strikes Wiesels father,
Elie writes:

All I could think was: I shall never forgive
them for this. My father must have guessed my thoughts, because he whispered in my ear: "It
doesn't hurt." His cheek still bore the red mark of the hand.

The father does not want to scare Elie and so he tells him that his cheek does not hurt
even though it is clear that the blow was hard. On other occasions when Elie wants to rest, his
father intercedes and rallies all of his strength to help his son:

My father shook me. "Not here€¦Get up €¦ A little farther down. He also tells
Elie, "Don't let yourself be overcome by sleep, Eliezer. It's dangerous to fall asleep in
snow. One falls asleep forever. Come, my son, come€¦Get up."€¦I got up, with clenched
teeth. Holding on to me with one arm, he led me outside. It was not easy.

Elies father also gives his son his food to help him keep his
strength. When Elie gulps his pitiful dinner down, his father says, "You mustn't eat all at
once. Tomorrow is another day €¦ " But seeing that his advice had come too late, and that
there was nothing left of my ration, he didn't even start his own. "Me, I'm not
hungry," he said. On another occasion, "My father had a present for me: a half ration
of bread, bartered for something he had found at the depot..."

When the
father is too sick to continue and has given up hope, he gives Elie whatever he has on

"Here, take this knife," he said. "I
won't need it anymore. You may find it useful. Also take this spoon. Don't sell it. Quickly! Go
ahead, take what I'm giving you!"

While he probably
does not view his father as a hero, Elie both loves and pities him. Elies father deluded himself
initially. When it was still possible to escape Hungary, Elies father had refused. Yet, Elie
loves his father throughout. Unlike Rabbi Eliahu's son, who turned his back on his father, Elie

"And in spite of myself, a prayer formed
inside me, a prayer to this God in whom I no longer believed. "Oh God, Master of the
Universe, give me the strength never to do what Rabbi Eliahu's son has done."

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