Tuesday, June 16, 2015

One way to approach this assignment is to consider how male characters think and speak about female characters (human and/or divine). How do the males...

A few distinct moments
from stick out to me in regard to this topic.  First, early on, Zeus sends
Hermes to tell Calypso that she must give up Odysseus and permit him to leave her island to make
his way home to Ithaca.  She points out a double standard that really bothers her: gods are
allowed to sleep with whichever mortal women they choose, but goddesses are prevented from
having relationships with mortal men.  Calypso tells Hermes, 

Hard are you gods and envious beyond all to grudge that goddesses should mate with men
and take without disguise mortals for lovers.  Thus when rosy-fingered Dawn chose Orion for her
lover, you gods that live at east soon so begrudged him that at Ortygia chaste Artemis from her
golden throne attacked and slew him with her gentle arrows.  Again when fair-haired Demeter,
yielding to her heart, met Jason in the...

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How is Joe McCarthy related to the play The Crucible?

When we read its important to know about Senator Joseph McCarthy. Even though he is not a character in the play, his role in histor...