Thursday, January 28, 2016

Compare the elements of Gothic Literature in both "Ligeia" and "The Raven" by Poe? Gothic is focusing on dark, mysterious, terrifying events. The story...

There is something
seemingly preternatural
about the lady . She is described as possessing a "majesty, [a]
quiet ease
[in] her demeanor" and an "incomprehensible lightness and elasticity of her

footfall. She came and departed as a shadow." The narrator says that he could never
her enter a room and only knew she did when she would speak with the
"dear music of her low
sweet voice" and place her "marble hand" on his
shoulder. "In beauty of face
no maiden ever equalled her." In Gothic
literature, women are often presented as beautiful,
ethereal creatures who
seem too ephemeral to be realistic or to live for long. The narrator even

says that a "'strangeness'" pervades her beauty and calls her looks
He compares her to all manner of divine, mythological, and supernatural

creatures. Like Ligeia, , the narrator's dead lover in " ," is also described
"radiant" and she, too, is associated with divine creatures,

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