Thursday, April 28, 2016

Why does Winston hate the Party?

are numerous reasons whyhates the Party. Winston cannot stand the fact that the Party controls
literally every aspect of his life. The Party determines where Winston works, as well as what he
does during his free time. The Party influences Winston's relationships and represses his sexual
desires. The Party propagates false information and, using a technique known as doublethink,
attempts to convince its members that Big Brother is never wrong. The Thought Police spy on
Winston, and his every move is recorded using strategically placed telescreens. Winston cannot
enjoy his life in Oceania and lives in constant fear of being arrested, tortured in the Ministry
of Love, and executed. Winston is continually reminded of Big Brother's presence everywhere he
turns and has difficulty trusting anyone. As an intellectually bright individual, Winston also
has a difficult time living in a world where reality is controlled by the Party. He struggles to
come to terms with the fact that the Party controls the past, present, and future. He feels
completely helpless and trapped living in Oceania's authoritarian regime. From Winston's
perspective, the Party has absolutely no redeeming qualities, and he loathes virtually every
moment of his life before he meets . The second Winston writes "DOWN WITH BIG BROTHER"
in his journal, he realizes that he is a dead man. Ultimately, the Party tortures Winston and
brainwashes him into loving Big Brother and worshiping the Party.

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