Tuesday, April 18, 2017

In Defoe's Robinson Crusoe, why does Crusoe try so hard at preserving his English customs when he's so far away from home?

In reading
Defoe's , I believe that Crusoe does all he can to preserve and abide by
the English customs he was raised with in order to preserve his own sanity. In trying to conduct
his day in as normal a fashion as possible under the circumstances, it gives him a sense of the
familiar and well as a sense of purpose. It is a wise move in that he is on the island for many

Finding himself alone in a deserted island, Crusoe
struggles to maintain reason, order, and civilization.

One of the story's themes is "industrialization." This is the concept of
being able to do things in a more modern way, such as making dresses that could be bought
"off the rack" rather than going to a dressmaker, who made one dress at a time. In
Defoe's time, this reflected the "specialized" services available in most villages.
For example:

People began to buy bread instead of baking

Since one went to a specialist to have things done,
the skills one might have had before in doing many things within a
household or on one's property were now the "specialty" of those who
"specialized" in one thing, such as baking, carpentry, etc.

Crusoe, he does not have a grasp of doing many of the things that have been completed by one
trained in a specific area, so he must learn by improvisation or relearn things he has
forgotten, but these things become the projects that occupy his mind.

He immediately sets out to be productive and self-sufficient on the

Crusoe strips the beached shipwreck of as much
usable material as he can gather and remove. This takes many days. He has to build himself a
shelter of sorts to protect himself from the elements and wild animals that he perceives
might be on the island when he arrives. He has to store his gunpowder in
little caches so that should lightning strike, he does lose his entire supply or his life. He
hunts. He builds. He eventually keeps wild goats. He fashions as much as he can to mimic his
life at home: building a table, a chair, and a shelf, for example. He also makes candles so that
he can have light after the day ends at 7:00.

I came
provided with six large candles of my own making (for I made very good candles now of goats
tallow, but was hard set for candle-wick, using sometimes rags or rope-yarn, and sometimes the
dried rind of a weed like nettles)...

When Crusoe is
shipwrecked he faces many challenges. One is fear:

[Crusoe] is forced to confront his fear about being alone...

It seems that the best way for him to address his fear and retain
his sanity is by maintaining a lifestyle as close to the one he knew in England. He also
reasons, after so much accomplishment, that in surviving as long as he has under dire
circumstances, can there be anything he need fear? It is with this frame of mind that Crusoe
faces his fear and is able to gain control over his existence and maintain his sanity for the
many years he is alone.

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