Saturday, December 16, 2017

Why and how does high temperatures affect environmental development?

A region's
high temperatures can affect many factors within an environment.Many species cannot survive in
either hot or cold temperatures.Seeds will not germinate if the ground is too cold or
frozen.Likewise, the germination rate drops for many plants when soil temperatures are too hot
as well.Many fruiting plants need chill hours in order to make the flowers that will become
fruit.Animals use hot and cold temperatures in order to know the best seasons to reproduce,
migrate, and hibernate.

High temperatures can also affect the available water
vapor in the air.Precipitation is just as important as temperature when it comes to regulating
nature.Hot climates with humid air can support more life than hot climates and arid
conditions.Plants and animals will adapt to their climate or they will migrate elsewhere if
possible.High temperatures also strongly affect marine life as certain types of coral do poorly
when the water is only a few degrees warmer than usual.This can lead to fish kills farther up
the food chain as fish use coral for cover.High temperature caused by industrialization can also
lead to algae blooms which cause fish kills when the algae die off.

change has led to environmental changes.Birds have moved their ranges farther north due to
hotter climates.Traditional fishing waters that have been used for centuries have been stressed
by high temperatures as well.While a few days of fluctuating temperature will not hurt a biome
as climate refers to average temperature over a period of time, changing weather patterns caused
by man is a problem that should be addressed.

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