Thursday, May 31, 2018

Characterize the narrators state of mind in "The Raven." Find two pieces of evidence to support this claim.

Edgar Allen Poe's
begins with a sense of quiet, calm melancholy. The narrator is looking through a number of
"curious volumes of forgotten lore" for some words of solace to relieve his sorrow for
"the lost ."

"Suddenly there came a tapping," which
surprises the narrator and lifts him out of his reverie. He seems excited by the prospect of
having a visitor at his door who will distract him from his melancholy and relieve his

The narrator is frightened, but expectant.

And the silken sad uncertain rustling of each purple
Thrilled mefilled me with fantastic terrors never felt before...

He opens the door, but sees nothing but darkness.

Disappointed, but still excited by the prospect of someone at the door, he turns back
into the room and hears the tapping again.

This time, he goes to the window
and enthusiastically flings open the shutter. In steps the raven, flapping and fluttering, and
it takes its place on the bust of Pallas above the door.

His melancholy
momentarily forgotten, the narrator is beguiled and amused by the raven. He smiles, and he
marvels at the raven's ability to speak, even if the only word he speaks is

The narrator pulls a cushioned chair in front of the
door, below the raven perched on the bust of Pallas and muses about what the raven means by

The narrator leans back into the violet velvet
cushions on the chair, and his melancholy suddenly returns when he remembers that Lenore will
never again lean into that same cushion as she did so many times before.

narrator reacts violently to being shocked back to reality and reminded of his "lost
Lenore." He shouts at the raven, ordering it out of the room and back into the night, but
the raven doesn't move. It sits on the bust above the door, its "fiery eyes" burning
deep into the narrator's heart and soul.

The narrator slumps back into the
chair, and he falls into what Poe called in "," a state of "mournful and
never-ending remembrance."

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