Saturday, June 14, 2008

In the story "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge," was Peyton Farquhar a good person?

Whether you
believe Peyton Farquhar was a good person or not may depend to some degree on whether you favor
the cause of the Union or the cause of the Confederacy in the American Civil War. In Part II of
the story, we learn Farquhar's background. He was a plantation owner, so he probably owned
slaves, and he was for secession; he actively worked as a civilian toward the goals of the
Confederacy. He basically believed that "all is fair in ... war." The extent of his
crime is not clarified, but it seems that he intended to sneak past a "picket post"
guard, overcome the sentinel guarding the bridge, and set fire to the bridge, all in an effort
to hamper the advance of the Union Army into Southern territory. It also seems that he may have
tried to hang, and may have successfully hanged, the sentinel guarding the bridge. This is
suggested by his words to the scout, "Suppose a mana civilian and student of hanging"
in describing himself. We might wonder how he became a "student of hanging." Had he
hanged other Union soldiers before? We know that the "gray-clad soldier" who tells
Farquhar about the bridge is actually a "Federal scout" who is trying to entice
Farquhar into a "sting" operation. For the Union Army to have singled Farquhar out in
this way suggests that he may have been a formidable foe whom they seriously desired to

A few details of the story may help the reader be more sympathetic
toward Farquhar. He was dedicated to his side in the war and willing to take personal risks to
advance the cause of his homeland. There was "no adventure too perilous for him to
undertake" for the Confederacy. The fact that he was deceived and trapped by the Union Army
may make some readers take Farquhar's side. During his imaginary escape, his thoughts of his
wife and children as he walks toward home and his joy at being reunited with his wife when he
sees his house are details that suggest he is a loving father and husband. 

created a character in Peyton Farquhar who could be good or bad, depending on how one reads the
story and how one views the Civil War. However, most readers put their feelings about Farquhar's
morality behind them while reading of his miraculous, and indeed fantastical, escape. The story
impresses upon the reader that life is precious and survival is dear to anyoneUnion or
Confederate, soldier or civilian, good or bad.

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