Tuesday, October 28, 2008

How does Macbeth react to the witches' predictions, and what strong feelings is Banquo experiencing in Macbeth?

is interested inpredictions,
andis suspicious.

When the witches first meet Banquo andon
the heath, Macbeth is just a valiant soldier and Banquo is his friend.  They have just come from
a battle where they were in charge, and very successful. 

From the start,
Macbeth is curious about the witches, and Banquo is suspicious.  He immediately questions their
wild attire and their looks, saying they have beards but otherwise look like women.  He starts
by asking not who they are, but what they are, and says they look not like the inhabitants
o' the earth (Act 1, Scene 3).

Live you? or are you

That man may question? You seem to understand me,

each at once her chappy finger laying

Upon her skinny lips: you should be

And yet your beards forbid me to interpret

That you
are so. (Act 1, Scene 3)

Macbeth asks them to talk, if
they can, and also asks what they are.  They dont answer that question, but immediately begin
hailing him as the thane of Glamis, which he is, proving they know him.  Thus establishing
their identity, they proceed to give him and Banquo prophecies. 

different reactions Banquo and Macbeth have to the prophecies are telling.  It shows their
different personalities. 

Macbeth is told three prophecies.  The first two
are told to him by the Second and Third Witch.


All hail, Macbeth, hail to thee, thane of Cawdor!

Third Witch

All hail, Macbeth, thou shalt be king hereafter! (Act 1,
Scene 3)

Macbeth has a funny reaction to those.  He
starts, or is so surprised that he seems almost afraid.  Banquo completely misinterprets that,
asking him why he sees to fear the predictions.  Macbeth is not afraid. He is completely
shocked.  There may be a little projection going on here.  Banquo is probably afraid of the
thought of Macbeth being king!  He is worried that Macbeth is taking these prophecies too
seriously, and trying to get him to lighten up.

While Banquo ponders the fit
of fantasy Macbeth seems enraptured in, the witches have a prophecy for him too.  He will be
both lesser and greater than Macbeth.


Thou shalt get kings, though thou be none:

So all
hail, Macbeth and Banquo! (Act 1, Scene 3)

Banquos sons
will be king?  Macbeth asks the witches to stay, and tell him more, now that he has regained his
senses, but they leave.

Once the witches leave, Banquo and Macbeth discuss
the prophecies a little.  Banquo tells Macbeth they are silly, and they have lost their reason
if they pay attention to them.  He is hoping Macbeth will forget all about it.  Then they go
appear before King .  There, they learn that Macbeth is not the heir to the throne, as he was
led to believe.  It is Duncans son, .

Duncan has two sons, Malcolm and . 
Macbeth well knew this.  Macbeth is just a distant relative of Duncan, and he knew that he would
never be next in line for the throne unless something happened to both of the sons first.  The
witches have really gotten into his head though!  When he finds out that Malcolm is officially
named the heir, he loses it!  In an aside, he displays his angry ambition.  He rails against
Malcolm, the Prince of Cumblerland.

The Prince of
Cumberland! that is a step

On which I must fall down, or else

For in my way it lies. Stars, hide your fires;

Let not light see my black and deep desires€¦ (Act 1, Scene 4)

From here on, Macbeth will stop at nothing to be king.  Banquos
protests fell on deaf ears.  Later, he will secretly wonder if Macbeth killed Duncan.  Macbeth
will also wonder if Banquo is suspicious of him, and have him killed.  Their friendship is at an

Banquo was a good person.  He did not have ambition.  He was suspicious
of the witches, and it got him killed.  He tried to help his friend, and warn him not to listen
to the witches, but it did no good.  Macbeth was too tempted by what they offered him.

The witches did not turn Macbeth into a murderer, or make him into a tyrant.  If he
hadnt had the slumbering beast of ambition inside him for them to awaken, their prophecies would
have been nonstarters.  All they did was pass Macbeth the ball.  He is the one who took the game
into extra innings.

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