Sunday, December 14, 2008

What are some similarities and differences between Romeo and Mercutio?

andboth display their intelligence and affinity for witty wordplay at various moments and have
relatively charismatic personalities. Both characters also share the capacity for using puns and
verbal sparring, which is depicted in act one, scene four. Mercutio and Romeo are both portrayed
as capricious individuals who wear their emotions on their sleeves and are capable of acting
rash and violent. Their mercurial personalities and potential for hostility are displayed in act
three, scene one during their altercation with . Mercutio attempts to defend Romeo by
challenging Tybalt, while Romeo reacts abruptly by slaying Tybalt to avenge Mercutio's

Despite their several similarities, Romeo is much more romantic and
sensitive than Mercutio. Romeo is extremely in touch with his feelings and falls in love easily,
while Mercutio is driven by sex and is less attracted to the idea of falling in love. He is also
a more masculine, confident man, who is less dramatic and...

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