Friday, April 24, 2009

What were the reasons for the decline of drama in the Romantic era?

In the
Romantic period, it is not really the case that drama declined, but rather that poetry exploded.
There were still many great dramatists in the Romantic era such as Johann Wolfgang von Goethe,
Victor Hugo, and Friedrich Schiller.

However, it is fair to say that there
were less canonical works of drama produced in this time period, and perhaps this is because
poetry was a better medium for the topics in which the Romantics were interested.

Among other things, the Romantics loved to write and think about humanity's
relationship to nature. While this topic could certainly be explored in a play, it is probably
fair to say that poetry is and was a more agreeable genre. And indeed, the Romantic poets wrote
hundreds and hundreds of amazing, now anthologized poems including, "Ozymandias,"
"I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud," and "Ode to a


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