Thursday, May 14, 2009

In To Kill a Mockingbird, how is Tom Robinson's appeal discussed?

the jury found Tom Robinson guilty of rape, at the Finch home the next day,had a questioning
look on his face.told them all not to worry because they were not finished yet and there was
certainly going to be an appeal ().

Around Maycomb, everyone is
talking about the trial. The gossipy neighbor ladies tell Aunt Alexandra, who fails to keep the
children from hearing, that on the street Bob Ewell spat in Atticus' face and threatened him.
Atticus tries to reassure them that it was an idle threat (). Things will be calm around town,
he says, until after the higher court reviews Tom's case. He believes Tom has a chance to go
free or be granted a new trial.

wants to know what
will happen if there is no appeal. Atticus admits he'll get the chair but still tells her not to

Tom was not so optimistic. He tries to escape
the prison farm, and is killed.

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