Tuesday, March 2, 2010

What is the moral of Animal Farm?

important moral of the "" of is the ease with which language can
be manipulated and twisted for evil purposes.was a journalist who understood the power of words
and the power of propaganda. Therefore, he wanted to tell a tale that would urge humans to be on
guard against powerful groups or individuals who might want to twist words to help themselves
and harm others.

The animals are gradually re-enslaved because the pigs
change the wordsand hence the rulesof the farm. Most famously, the Seven Commandments are
reduced to one, and that one makes no sense by stating that all animals are equal but some are
more equal than others.

Most of the animals are fairly helpless against the
manipulations of the pigs because they are not able to learn to read, but almost all humans have
a high level of cognitive ability. Orwell is, therefore, encouraging people to use their wits in
ways the animals cannot.

Orwell was concerned that the totalitarian
dictatorship imposed by Stalin was being presented in left wing circles as benign socialism, and
he wanted people to look past propagandistic language to see the horror of what was really going

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