Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Examine the media's depiction of women in the 1950's and if it has changed or stayed the same continuing into today.

In the
1950s, the media's depiction of women was one in which women were supplements to men.  All
endeavors and the fiber of a woman's being was geared towards helping a man.  Consider the words
of Mrs. Dale Carnegie when she spoke for the generation in 1955 as she wrote in Better
Homes and Gardens:  
"...there is simply no room for split-level thinkingor
doingwhen Mr. and Mrs. set their sights on a happy home, a host of friends, and a bright future
through success in HIS job."  Women had to be married to a man or be labeled as an
"old maid."  A fate worse than anything else, for a woman not to be married in this
time period guaranteed that she would be viewed with "suspicion."  As early as
childhood, women were conditioned through repetition of media images that the domestic realm was
that of a woman and that men were to earn the money for both husband and wife.  The structure of
the family was reinforced in media through television and advertisements that ensured

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