Tuesday, May 4, 2010

When is a bronze bow mentioned in the book The Bronze Bow?

The bronze
bow is a recurring motif in 's novel. It is first introduced in chapter 7 when Joel reads
scripture to Daniel while he is recuperating in the secret passageway. The three friends take a
vow to fight for God's victory, and then they agree to "mark some sign on the wall" of
the secret entrance to Hezron's home if Daniel needs to get a message to Joel. Thacia suggests
using the sign of the bronze bow from the scripture passage. The friends then discuss the
passage, with Thacia suggesting it means "that when God strengthens us we can do something
that seems impossible."

In chapter 12, when Daniel forms the band of
village men working to assist Rosh, they decide to "carry the sign of the bow in our
minds" and to use it as "our password."

In chapter 15, when
Daniel is beginning to take more pleasure in his work in his blacksmith shop, he fashions a tiny
bronze bow with a pin as the arrow that can be used as a cloak pin. He hides his creation away,
deciding to "keep it to remind him of his purpose."

In chapter 24,
Daniel has become discouraged because Leah has taken a turn for the worse. He has given up on
Jesus as being the one to deliver the Jews from Rome. In his despair, he thinks, "God did
not mean the bow of bronze for him." But when Jesus arrives at his house to heal Leah,
Daniel responds to Jesus' love for him. He realizes that "only love could bend the bow of
bronze." Thus the first and last mention of the bow come full circle, showing that through
the power of love, Daniel has been able to do what had seemed impossible, namely, give up his
hatred of the Romans.

These are some of the main places where the bronze bow
appears in .

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