Friday, November 12, 2010

What action has Oedipus taken to find an answer to the city's problems?

, as a
good Greek, knows that things like
pestilence are a sign that not all is well with the gods. The
priest comes to
Oedipus and confirms this point. Oedipus knows that he must seek counsel. The

place to go is clear - the Oracle of Delphi. So, he sends his brother-in-law,

When Creon returns, Creon asks if Oedipus wants to hear
the counsel of Apollo in
private. Oedipus wants him just to speak. Creon
does. Crean reveals that Laius, the former ruler
of Thebes was murdered. The
oracle also gives a directive. The murder, who still dwells in
Thebes, must
be driven out. Oedipus is shocked by this revelation. 

therefore, knows what he needs to do: find the murderer and
drive him out. Therefore, he is
passionate about finding the murderer to save

When the problem
proves to be intractable,
Oedipus sends for the blind prophet, .  Tiresias is cryptic in his
speech, as
he knows the truth. When Oedipus persists in pressing the prophet, Tiresias
divulges the truth. In the end, Oedipus assumes responsibility and
the play ends. Oedipus is
truly a tragic hero. 

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