Tuesday, November 30, 2010

What is President Trump's effect on business law and foreign policy?

It is important to note that Presidents have
less effect on the economy than is generally believed (see attached New York
article by Neil Irwin, January 17th 2017). In foreign policy, the President has
far more direct influence, particularly since, whatever his theoretical powers in the matter of
declaring war, the President can, in practice, deploy troops unilaterally.

may well be the case, however, that President Trump's behavior, so far as it has been
influential, has had markedly different effects in the two spheres of business law and foreign
policy. Trump's much touted "Doctrine of Unpredictability" (see attached
Democracy Journal article by Michael H. Fuchs, January 26th, 2017) holds
that a leader gains more power over a rival country by being unpredictable. Other states will be
more careful in their dealings with the USA if they think its President capable of any action or
retaliation, including starting a nuclear war.

However, this very
unpredictability is detrimental to the economy and to business law, since a functioning system
of regulation and a stable economy requires calm, predictable leadership.


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