Monday, April 11, 2011

What are some practical advantages that the animals have on the farm now that they have no human masters?

biggest practical advantage for the animals is that they can now run their own affairs. Instead
of having to toil away each day for a human master they can work for themselves, and gain a
sense of satisfaction that they're contributing towards the common good rather than simply
lining Mr. Jones' pockets.

They're also now in a position to determine how
much they want to work, and on which days. Previously, they worked every single day. When run by
humans a farm is pretty much a 24/7 business. But now that the animals are in control they can
change the whole nature of how the farm is run. Instead of working to provide food for humans in
the neighboring villages and towns, they can provide food for themselves. This should mean that
they can spend less time working and have more leisure time.

That's the
theory, of course. In reality, however, it doesn't turn out like that. Because oncehas made
himself dictator of the farm, the animals find themselves working longer, harder, and for less
reward, than they ever did when Mr. Jones was in charge.

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