Wednesday, May 23, 2012

How is Winston affected by the abuse of power?

abuse of power by the state forcesto take
increasingly dangerous risks. As well as embarking
upon an illicit
relationship with , Winston allows himself to become embroiled in what he
is a plot to overthrow the government. All this is because Winston,
deep down, is still an
individuala human being with his own thoughts and
feelings despite the efforts of the Party to
turn him into an unthinking

He bridles against the systemic abuse
power, of which he's just one of many victims, and he is always on the lookout for ways
resisting the regime and its tyranny. Whether it's writing "Down with Big
Brother" in
his diary or engaging in the very risky acts we've already
mentioned, Winston's instinctive
reaction to the abuse of power is to rebel.
In a society where nothing less than...

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