Wednesday, August 29, 2012

What is Atticus's defintion of real courage in To Kill a Mockingbird?

One of
's most memorable moments throughout the novel involves his definition of "real
courage." In ,loses his temper and destroys Mrs. Dubose's camellia bush. As a punishment,
Atticus makes Jem read to their ornery neighbor for an hour each day, six days out of the week,
for an entire month. While reading to Mrs. Dubose, Jem notices that she gradually remains
coherent at longer intervals to chastise him during each reading session. Shortly after Jem's
punishment is finished, Mrs. Dubose dies, and Atticus says that she was the bravest person he
has ever met. Atticus then explains to Jem andthat Mrs. Dubose suffered from a painful chronic
illness but wished to break her addiction to morphine before she passed away. Jem learns for the
first time that his reading allowed Mrs. Dubose to keep her mind off her pain just long enough
to prolong the time between her morphine injections. Atticus then shares his definition of
"real courage" with Jem, and he explains his...

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