Monday, February 11, 2013

Why is the relationship between Julia and Winston in George Orwell's 1984so rebellious to the party? By controlling the relationships, what does the...

Party, in 's classic depiction of a futuristic dystopian society, , seeks
absolute control over society. That control extends to the thought processes of each member of
this society, known as Oceana. This is, after all, the story that introduced into the English
language the phrase "Thought Police." Early in the opening chapter of
1984, 's , , describes the oppressive environment in which he, and the rest
of the citizens of Oceana, function. The roving police patrols, he notes, do not bother him that
much; rather, it is the Thought Police that are the constant concern: "Only the Thought
Police mattered." In Orwell's dystopian, totalitarian society, it is not enough to control
people's actions; as important is the ability to control their minds, and this is accomplished
through an ubiquitous system of political indoctrination.

Among the
prohibitions on personal conduct that dictate how the citizens of Oceana live their lives is the
notion of personal relationships not approved by the Party. Sexual relationships, in particular,
are strictly regulated for the purpose of procreation. Hence, the "Junior Anti-Sex
League" sash wrapped around the waist of the "bold-looking girl," the sash
representing, perhaps, the chastity belts of an earlier age. The Party's position on personal
relationships and on the role of sex in Oceana is described in Chapter 6:

The aim of the Party was not merely to
prevent men and women from forming loyalties which it might not be able to control. Its real,
undeclared purpose was to remove all pleasure from the sexual act. Not love so much as eroticism
was the enemy, inside marriage as well as outside it. All marriages between Party members had to
be approved by a committee appointed for the purpose, andthough the principle was never clearly
statedpermission was always refused if the couple concerned gave the impression of being
physically attracted to one another. The only recognized purpose of marriage was to beget
children for the service of the Party. Sexual intercourse was to be looked on as a slightly
disgusting minor operation, like having an enema.

lengthy passage from 1984 pretty much sums up the situation. Winston and 's
relationship is a direct challenge to the Party's control. In totalitarian societiesand Orwell
famously modeled his dystopian society after Stalin's Russiaindependent thoughts and actions are
interpreted as hostile acts, punishable by long prison terms accompanied by physical and mental
torture. In fact, the Soviet Union was well-known for punishing dissidents with compulsory
psychiatric treatment. The belief, given the seemingly omnipotent nature of the regime's
security structures, was that one had to literally be insane to oppose the Communist Party.
Orwell simply borrowed from and expanded upon the system that governed the former Soviet Union
for 80 years.

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