Monday, December 23, 2013

In Lord of the Flies, what are some quotes from Lord of the Flies that best demonstrate Ralph's or Jack's understanding of others' feelings or concerns?

may appear to have all
the elements of a typical story about boys stranded on an island, and may even begin that way,
that is, with an air of predictability. The boys struggle to create shelter and have a few
disagreements along the way, but it seems thathas it under control, and is the best choice of
leader, with a lesser leadership role for . Ralph and Jack even have a respect for each other,
as they "smiled at each other with shy liking," in chapter one. 

They initially want the same thing; both try to appease the scared boys by suggesting
that they can have fun and do whatever they want because there are no "grown-ups."
Ralph talks about his own father coming to save them, and "the assembly was lifted towards
safety by his words." However, it does not take long before they begin to clash over what
may or may not be important, and how to best manage their time on the island. When the two boys
talk in chapter three about the shelter, hunting, and the other boys' nightmares, they are both
very aware that something has to be done. Jack says," I know how they feel. See? That's
all." He is referring to the sense that there is something sinister lurking on the

Jack is aware that the boys are excited by the prospect of hunting,
but hunting comes at the expense of the fire and any potential rescue. In chapter four, Jack is
excited by the results of his exploits and hunting skills, but he does apologize about the fire
which earns him respect. As stated in the novel, "the buzz from the hunters was one of
admiration... Jack had done the decent thing." Jack has been very clever and understands
that his feigned apology will help his cause and make Ralph look bad.

chapter five, Ralph needs to help the boys focus on what is important. Having called a meeting
at the end of chapter four, Ralph addresses the boys. He understands 's contribution, as Piggy
"ha[s] brains." He understands that he needs to repeat everything at least twice, and
that he needs to keep things simple for the "littluns." Ralph understands that the
boys are vulnerable to Jack's idea of fun, so he sets out the rules and repeats himself. He also
talks about their fears because he knows that they need to be addressed. He says, "We've
got to talk about this fear." 

Jack also tries to support Ralph in
discussing the boys' fear. However, his methods are different from Ralph's, and although Jack
does understand the boys' concerns, he sometimes makes matters worse, not better. He calls the
boys "sissies" but tells them categorically that "there is no animal" that
is after them. He goes on to say that "there is no beast in the forest." His words
have the desired effect, and the boys "applauded him with relief." 

The meeting does not go well but Ralph shows that he does have an understanding that
Jack and the hunters have different priorities. He says, "We're all drifting and things are
going rotten." 

While both Ralph and Jack know that the beast is now
dominating the boys' thoughts, Ralph remains conscious of his responsibility to the
"littluns." He also knows that the boys want to be rescued, and uses that to persuade
them that they should be listening to him. He and Jack decide to go to the only part of the
island that Jack has not explored because they know how important it is. Ralph takes the lead
because he is chief, but Jack does support him. As usual, however, Jack is distracted, and by
the end of chapter six, Jack is becoming more influential over the boys. 

the end, it will not be enough to understand what the other boys may want, or think they want,
as Piggy andwill die, and "Ralph we[eps] for the end of innocence." 



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