Monday, March 3, 2014

What are the similarities between cellular respiration and fermentation? What are the differences?

respiration and fermentation are both reactions that occur within organisms that use
glucose as a reactant and produce energy in the form of adenosine triphosphate.

The largest difference between cellular respiration and
fermentation is the presence or absence of oxygen. Cellular
respiration is referred to as aerobic respiration because it uses oxygen (aero = air or ).
Fermentation is called anaerobic respiration because it does not use oxygen (an = not, aero
= air or atmosphere). Another big difference between the two processes is the
amount of ATP produced.

Each process is described in more
detail below.

Respiration= Aerobic Respiration

When we breath,
aerobic respiration is occurring because we are using the oxygen that is brought into our lungs
when we inhale. Cellular respiration occurs within mitochondria of eukaryotic cells. During
cellular respiration, the oxygen gas that we inhale reacts with the sugar called glucose in
order to produce water, carbon dioxide gas, and ATP. Overall, aerobic respiration produces a net
of 34-36 ATPs.

Fermentation =
Anaerobic Respiration

Fermentation is a metabolic
process that convert carbohydrates, such as starch or sugar, into lactic acid or alcohol in the
absence of oxygen.   Compared to aerobic respiration, fermentation produces much less ATP. Only
a net of 2 ATP is produced during fermentation.

Ethanol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation are the two types of fermentation.
 Ethanol fermentation and lactic acid fermentation differ in the products they make. Each
process is described below.  

  • Ethanol fermentation is the type
    of fermentation that produces alcohol. It is done by yeast and some strains of bacteria. During
    ethanol fermentation, pyruvate from glucose metabolism is broken into ethanol and carbon
    dioxide.  Because ethanol fermentation produces alcohol, it is used to produce beer and wine.
    The carbon dioxide produced by ethanol fermentation is advantageous in the making of
  • During lactic acid fermentation, six-carbon carbohydrates, such as
    the pyruvate molecules from glycolysis or lactose, are converted into cellular energy (ATP) and
    lactic acid. Lactic acid occurs within muscle cells during intense intervals of activity when
    energy is needed at a faster rate than oxygen can be supplied. The lactic acid produced is the
    burn that athletes feel after an intense workout.


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