Saturday, May 10, 2014

In "Ulysses," Tennyson relates the aspirations and vaulting ambitions of his context. Do you agree or disagree?

This statement I think
can be agreed with in part when it is applied to the text of "." This is because the
poem does definitely capture the spirit of exploration and adventure that characterised the
Victorian age, which was one of massive colonial expansion. Note, for example, the way in which
Ulysses expresses his desire for continual adventure:

Come, my friends, 
'Tis not too late to seek a newer world. 
off, and sitting well in order smite 
The sounding furrows; for my purpose
To sail beyond the sunset, and the baths 
Of all the western stars,
until I die. 

Tennyson himself had lived through various
"newer worlds" that had been, if not discovered, at least colonised by Britain, and
therefore this poem can be said to relate to the "aspirations and vaulting ambitions"
of Victorian times. 

However, at the same time, there are aspects of this
poem that are definitely not part of Victorian beliefs and society, and these concern the way in
which Ulysses could be viewed in a much more negative light. Far from being a figure who is
viewed as an adventure-seeker and who is brave and courageous, it is possible to view him as a
character who does not do his job, and leaves behind his kingdom of Ithaca, and its people, in a
somewhat irresponsible way. Not only this, but he is very dismissive of his subjects, that he
describes as if they are almost animals. They "hoard, and sleep, and feed, and know not
me" and are a "savage race." If the Victorian period of history focused on
colonial expansion, it also very strongly focused on consolidation, and this is something that
is not expressed in this poem that courts adventure at the expense of loyalty and

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