Saturday, May 31, 2014

Is political science a science?

Let's define a
few terms and that should largely answer the question.  In the broadest sense, the term science

... a systematic enterprise that builds and
organizes knowledge in the form of testable explanations and predictions about the

In centuries past, science and the study of
science was actually very closely linked with philosophy, with both fields of study being
centered around answering some of the most basic questions of the nature of the universe and the
world around us.

In more recent times (particularly the late 19th and 20th
centuries), the term science has come more to specifically mean natural
, or the study of the natural world and phenomena that can be
qualitatively measured through the scientific method and also quantitatively measured through
mathematical data and analysis.  The term natural science can also be thought of as dealing with
physical sciences, or the study of the physical universe.  This covers the classic areas of
study like chemistry, biology, physics, geology, and astronomy.

Another more
recent division of the term science is the term social science
This is meant to separate the previously mentioned natural sciences from other areas of study
less concerned with the natural world and more concerned with human behavior, thought, and
interaction.  Areas of study in this realm include sociology, anthropology, economics,
psychology, and political science.  Mathematical data are still used to quantify and study
patterns, but the subject matter is less tangible and more abstract in nature (thoughts versus
physical objects).  Specifically, political science is the subset
in this area that studies politics, government, and bodies of law that govern human societal

So the answer to your question does depend a bit on your
specific point of view.  In the most broad and classical sense, political science is indeed a
science.  But in the more modern, compartmentalized context, political science would best be
considered a social science.

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