Tuesday, June 24, 2014

In Elizabeth Bishop's "The Fish," please identify several of the literary devices that she uses in lines 34 to 44.

In 's
"," in lines 34-44, she uses several literary devices.

In writing
of the fish's eyes, Bishop uses metaphors to describe them, comparing them
to tinfoil, and again to  title="isinglass">isinglass.

irises backed and packed۬

with tarnished tinfoil۬

through the lenses۬

of old scratched isinglass.۬

Tin foil (also known as "aluminum foil"), as most people
may know, is a metallic sheet, thin like paper that is most often used in cooking in the oven or
on the grill. Because it is metallic in nature, it catches the light, reflecting it with some
brilliance. Because the author notes that it is "tarnished," the reader gets the sense
that it is a smoky-looking, the way foil looks having been used in a fire or left out in
the  title="elements">elements ("environment").

"Isinglass" can refer to a transparent product made from fish bladders or to
sheets of  title="mica">mica, which are most often href="https://www.dictionary.com/browse/smoky?s=t"
title="smokily">smokily transparent, but also reflect light because of
the flat surface that can mirror light as well. However, note that the author describes the
surface as "scratched," so the reader knows it is not a clear reflection.

Sound devices (which appeal to the ear when the poem is read
allowed, and often give the poem a musical sound) are used in the poem as well. Note the

... the irises backed and packed...

Assonance and  href="http://academic.brooklyn.cuny.edu/english/melani/lit_term.html"
title="consonance">consonance are used
here. Assonance is the use of repeated vowel sounds (such
as aeiou)
in a group of words. Consonance is the use of repeated consonant sounds
as dn, lpsr,

In this phrase, the "a" sounds
in "backed and
packed" use assonance, creating a pattern of
. Consonance can be found in these words as well:

...backed and packed...

Note the repetition of the
"ck" sound in
"backed" and
"packed," as well as the repetition of the
"d" sound in all three words.

see  in "tarnished
tinfoil." Alliteration is the repetition of a similar sound at
the beginning of a group of words, here found with the use of the
"t" at the start of each word.

In all
of these devices, assonance, consonance, and alliteration, the pattern
is not found in using the same letters, but in
employing the same sound. This is what makes
them "sound devices!"

Bishop follows the href="https://www.dictionary.com/browse/motif"
title="motif">motif of eyes in this section of the poem,
but not of sight!

Vision is an important sensory system for most species of fish. 

However, the use of "shallower" indicates a lack of
sight, as does "tarnished tinfoil" and "scratched isinglass." This continues

They shifted a little, but not۬

to return my stare.۬

--It was more like the tipping۬

of an object toward the light.

There is the
sense, beyond a lack of eyesight, to a lack of conscious
, at least in "human" termsfor the fish does not "return my
stare." Note the use of special punctuation, "--", before "It was more
like..." This tells the reader to make special note of the difference between what eyes
usually do ("stare" or look) as opposed something done by eyes
that don't see well: catching the light, but not processing

Ais used in "more like the tipping / of an object
toward the light." This compares shifting eyes to a

Note another comparison at the beginning of the
author's eyes and those of the fish:

I looked into his

which were far larger than mine۬

but shallower,
and yellowed...

Literary devices are forms of  for the
purpose of painting a mental picture for the reader.

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