Saturday, June 14, 2014

Why does Willy reject Charley's job offer in "Death of a Salesman"? how does Willy look at Charley?

Willy has too much
pride to accept Charley's offer of a job, yet Willy regularly goes to Charley when he needs
money to make ends meet. Although Charley is incredibly patient with Willy, Willy gets
exasperated with his neighbor because he doesn't seem to appreciate Biff's athletic ability when
Biff is in high school. Willy even insults Charley on several occasions when Charley is just
trying to make conversation such as when Charley asks Willy how to go about putting up a
ceiling. A gifted carpenter, Willy just retorts, "A man who can't handle tools is not a
man." Charley is never rude or abrupt with Willy. He even tries to tease Willy into a good
humor from time to time such as when he tells Willy that "Ebbets Field just blew up."
Willy, however, has little sense of humor.

Willy must respect Charley because
Charley has a successful business, but Willy is reluctant to admit he isn't doing well until
Howard fires him. Even then, though, Willy turns down Charley's offer of a job. Willy simply
can't allow himself to be obligated to Charley for more than $50 or so a week because Willy is
always hopeful that his business will get better---that is, until he makes the decision to take
his life.  That decision seems to be the only choice that he sees to help his family. Willy
cannot understand how Charley, a man who doesn't seem to have what Willy thinks is necessary for
success--personality--can be so successful.

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