Thursday, October 2, 2014

Analyze the painting of "Still Life With Three Puppies" painting by Paul Gauguin by using art language.

"Still Life with Puppies" by Paul
Gauguin is
divided horizontally into three zones. At the bottom there is a still life
some loose pieces of solidly colored fruit on a cloth and two more
in a small bowl. In the
second zone, diagonally bisecting the picture, is a
row of three opaque blue goblets, each with
an apple at its base. At the top
of the painting is a large black pan from the far side of which
three puppies
are drinking.

The fruit and the goblets provide a focal
of bright, solid, saturated color, drawing the eye downwards from the
puppies. This, together
with their comparatively small size and drab coloring
makes the puppies in the title seem a
comparatively minor element in the
composition of the painting. Each puppy, however, has a
small, bright dab of
broken color on its face: one has a red right ear, another has a yellow
ear, and the last has a yellow nose.

The background is a white
cloth with faint prints of leaves. These prints are picked up by the
darker markings on the
puppies' coats. Although the coats themselves are
drab, the the puppies are thickly outlined in
blue, a detail which emphasizes
the note of unreality in the composition.

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