Friday, November 13, 2015

Is it possible to have a positive view of religion? Can I have positive views on religion

a complex subject and is apparently responsible for wars and conflict the world over. Consider
those countries where there is no religion or where religion is frowned upon. Surely then, if
religion causes the problems, those countries - China, Vietnam, Russia- must be places of calm
and hope and prosperity - without conflict. Unfortunately not!

wars aside, religion has created unity, community, ethical standards, compassionate
people, purpose, those who want to save and protect others and so on: that is not to say that
you must be religious to have these characteristics. Primarily however, those people who are not
religious but who are morally and socially responsible, compassionate and protective have been
exposed to religion and live in a society surrounded by religion:

religion likely served to explain natural events and create order out of the

Missionaries still go to remote parts of the world
to bring a "message" of hope. They try to alleviate poverty and bring modern medicine.
Some believe that they interfere but, in this modern world, where communication is key and
CHOICE is the main issue, trying to reach others and help them, stop their suffering (famine,
disease, etc) and bring meaning to their lives can surely only be applauded.

The problem with many people is that they are opinionated, self-absorbed, narrow-minded
and above all, judgmental! No matter which religion a person belongs to, all religions teach of 
finding your own faults before looking for the faults of others. But people don't do that. They
are quick to judge but not quick to reflect.

People misunderstand the concept
of judging and being judged. Obviously crime must be judged but you punish the crime and hope
the criminal comes out the other side a better person. However, choice is the other thing about
religion. Blaming religion or God for the evil in the world reveals a lack of understanding
about choice.

We must "choose" to do the right thing and if we do
not God will judge us. We are tasked with protecting and that requires decisions that may seem
judgmental but objectivity is key and as long as that is present then the real judgment will
come from God.

Using religion as your excuse to do awful things is
reprehensible but that's not religion's fault - that's mankind and human nature. Christian
religions hide behind doctrine and attend church every week - but they may still judge the
pregnant woman next door instead of helping her, or run a red light (and create potential for an
accident) in an effort not to be late for church or even frown on the boy who goes in to church
in his flip flops! They may even commit terrible sexual crimes against children.  

Islam extremists  hide behind words that scare people like "jihad" and use
that to commit heinous crimes. Jewish militants hide behind the "Law" and the concept
of retribution that is so entrenched in their thinking and they involve innocent people in their
"eye for an eye" philosophy.

None of this is "religion."
All religion teaches respect for others and if we could all do that then wars and strife would
not have the religious significance it apparently has.

Religion unites people
- human nature divides them so let's make the choice and fight the selfishness and greed in us
and we can enjoy all the positive effects of religion such as  love for your fellow man, mutual
respect, sharing of resources, fighting poverty and enjoying the simple things in life.


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