Saturday, February 6, 2016

What are the climax and resolution of Lord of the Flies?

Thecan be
defined in two ways. First, it can be the turning point in the action where the conflict begins
to resolve itself, either positively or negatively. Second, it can be the high point of the
action, the final and most exciting event in a series of events. The shattering of
the conch and the death of
is the event that meets both definitions in
. Up until the point where Piggy dies,still believes he can reason with ,
that there is a hope of re-establishing order and civilization on the island. He has come to
Jack's base to "call an assembly" and to confront Jack about stealing Piggy's glasses.
When the conch, the symbol of rules, authority, and civilization, smashes to bits, every hope
Ralph has had is demolished as well. Without Piggy's assistance, Jack is significantly weakened;
he has been having cloudy thinking, and Piggy has had to remind him several times of the goal of
fire and rescue. Certainly this event is the high point of the action. It even occurs at the
high point of the island. The tension of the near-blind Piggy clinging frantically to the rock
ledge whilepummels him with rocks is nail-biting. When he falls to his death, it's all downhill
(literally and figuratively) from there.get captured, leaving Ralph on his own to run and hide
for survival, which seems unlikely with the fire raging across the island. 

The resolution of the conflict occurs when the naval captain appears on the beach and
talks to first Ralph and the other boys. His remark that "I should have thought that a pack
of British boys . . . would have been able to put up a better show than that" drives home
the resolution of the conflict. Ralph has been unable to maintain civilized society on the
island; order has failed, chaos has triumphed. Golding spares us
the horror of the natural end the conflict would have produced by having the boys
"rescued" just in time. Yet we also know that the outside world itself is wracked with
nuclear war, so the boys' rescue is ironic, and the resolution of the triumph of
savagery over civilization

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