Tuesday, May 31, 2016

What types of literary techniques are used in The Lovely Bones?

addition to the other techniques mentioned in the previous posts, Sebold also uses elements of
the supernatural that takes her novel outside the realm of straightforwardor

Susie narrates the story from beyond the grave, a fact she
introduces in the opening lines of the book:

My name is
Salmon, like the fish; first name, Susie. I was fourteen when I was murdered.

This underscores the idea that Susie can only interact with the
other characters in the novel on Earth from the spiritual, purgatory-like realm she now
inhabits. While the beginning of the text focuses heavily on the events leading up to Susies
murder, the rest deals with the aftermath.

From Susies watchful presence over
Mr. Harvey, her possession of Ruths body, and her revelation of her face in every piece of
glass, every shard and sliver in her fathers destroyed ships in a bottle, her supernatural
impact on the people she left behind is the driving force behind the narrative.

Beyond this,...

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