Monday, September 12, 2016

In To Kill a Mockingbird, what is the irony of Miss Gates' lecture on democracy when compared to her comments at the trial?

Theof Miss
Gates's remarks about Nazi Germany's anti-Semitism is twofold. First of all, she makes a
statement that is contradictory to one she has previously made about another minority group.
Secondly, she may not even think that she is bigoted.

People who have grown
up within a certain culture do not always realize that they are unjust to others who differ from
them. They blind themselves to such injustice because "that is the way it has always
been." Miss Gates's remark about "keeping them in their place" (Ch.26) seems to
suggest that she feels that the social order in Maycomb should remain unchanged. She believes,
as do many others in her town, that the African Americans in Maycomb are naturally inferior.
Evidence of this idea appears in her remark that the black citizens of Maycomb "were
gettin' way above themselves." (Ch.26) Ironically, such a comment fits the concept of
racial superiority held by the Nazis, a concept that she criticizes. However, it is doubtful
that Miss Gates would perceive the similarity to her own bigoted observation. 

Miss Gates is an "armchair critic": she condemns when it is safe for her in
the comfort of her town, which likely does not have one Jewish resident. As long as nothing
affects her, she can afford to be fair to others. Miss Gates is a foil character to , who, in
contrast to Miss Gates, has the integrity to defend the innocent Tom Robinson and the courage to
put his social position in the community into jeopardy. Atticus truly believes in the phrase,
"Justice for all" (Pledge of Allegiance). This conviction about justice and fairness
to others is the reason that he responds toas he does when she asks him about taking the role of
the defender in Tom Robinson's case. Atticus tells his daughter that it is the only way that he
can live with himself.

Scout obeys her father because he has credibility.
Miss Gates has no credibility with Scout. Scout asks , "How can you hate Hitler so bad an'
then turn around and be ugly [a Southernfor hateful] about folks right at

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