Thursday, September 22, 2016

Relating to Animal Farm, what corrupts people more: money, material items or power?

, there are very few human characters, so conclusions drawn about
corruption of people must be based on the animal characters. While arguments can be made for all
three of the options based on information in the novel, the strongest case can be made for the
answer of "power."

The revolution is intended to bring
self-determination and autonomy to the animals by liberating them from human control. Because
the animals had little to no experience of self-governance before they came to power, their new
situation presented a steep learning curve. The animals who naturally craved power quickly took
advantage of those who truly wanted equality. As those power-hungry few drew others into their
orbit, the taste for power intensified. The ruling group increasingly saw many others as
endangering their control and decided to eliminate the threats.

The clearest
example of this progression is the relationship betweenand . Whileserves as a hero around whom
to rally,...

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