Monday, January 30, 2017

In Act IV of Macbeth, discuss the witches' predictions for Macbeth.

In Act
IV,summon apparitions, their "masters,"
to givethe predictions. The first apparition
tellsto "beware " and then
disappears. Macbeth essentially says 'thanks for the
warning.' But when
Macbeth asks to have the first apparition tell him more, the first witch says

that the apparition "will not be commanded." Thus, this is all Macbeth will
regarding the warning about Macduff. 

The second
apparition appears and tells
Macbeth that "none of woman born / Shall harm
Macbeth." (IV.i.96-97) Macbeth then asks
why he would need to fear Macduff at
all, thinking that Macduff was born from a woman. However,
Macbeth wants to
make sure, so he decides to have Macduff killed: 

Then live, Macduff--what need I fear of

But yet I'll make
assurance double sure, 

And take a bond of fate thou shalt not live,


The third apparition tells Macbeth
to be
brave and not to worry because he (Macbeth) will never be killed until
Great Birnam Wood comes
to Dunsinane Hill. Macbeth notes that this is
impossible, noting that no one can move a forest.
This is, therefore, a good
omen, a "sweet bodement." 

Macbeth threatens the
witches with a curse unless they tell him if 's descendants will ever
Eight apparitions appear as a line of kings, the last holding a mirror
reflecting Banquo. 

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