Tuesday, August 29, 2017

When Ichabod arrives at the Van Tassel's party, what is his mood?

's ""
describes schoolmaster Ichabod Crane's encounter with a ghost in rural New York during the late
18th century. It juxtaposes this ghost story with an idyllic picture of life at this time,
thereby enhancing the effect the ghost creates and the personal impact it has upon

The greater part of the story's first half is concerned with
establishing Ichabod's character and the life he lives. We are quickly informed of his gangly
appearance, as well as his love of food, and his infatuation with Katrina Van Tassel and the
bounty of her father's estate. His rivalry with Brom Bones is introduced, and has produced some
conflict, but has not yet come to a head; he is still primarily concerned with winning over
Katrina, and the invitation to the Van Tassel's party seems like a fine occasion to win a few
points in her favor.

Irving never directly states "Ichabod was in a
good mood!" or anything direct at all, but we may infer Ichabod's mood through the actions
and the author's focus in leading up to the party, as well as a few key lines.

  • As soon as Ichabod is informed of the party (in the middle of the school
    day), "the scholars were hurried through their lessons without stopping," implying
    that Ichabod is basically kicking them out early so he'll have enough time to properly get ready
    for the party. He goes on to spend extra time dolling himself up, and borrowing a horse, so that
    he'll make a proper entrance. From this we can guess that Ichabod is probably a little anxious
    to make a good impression.
  • As he rides to the Van Tassel's, Ichabod
    observes various scenes of idyllic beauty; the colors of autumn in the trees, the many birds and
    their calls, the variety of food ready to be harvested (much to his delight) and the sunset over
    the Hudson river. The depth of description and prose that Irving dedicates to these paragraphs
    seem to be setting this up as a perfect evening, and the scenes before him certain to lift
    Ichabod's spirit.
  • Finally, when he arrives at the party, Ichabod observes
    the "pride and flower of the adjacent country" - everyone looking their best. Once
    inside, he takes in the sight of the banquet that has been set out for the guests; this can only
    serve to increase his happiness. As Ichabod sets to work on the food, we are told:

He was a kind and thankful creature, whose heart dilated
in proportion as his skin was filled with good cheer, and whose spirits rose with eating, as
some men's do with drink.

So we can assume that Ichabod
arrives at the party in a good mood, pleased with his ride, ready to make a good impression, and
it only gets better from there.

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