Tuesday, June 25, 2019

Explain the symbolism in the description of Simon's body going out to sea in Lord of the Flies

The passage
where 's body is swept away by the sea describes nature in brilliant detail. There is discussion
of the sun and the moon, the sand and the water. This beautiful scenery belies the rage and
violence the boys have learned and executed there. There is also anto the supernatural. The
moonlight makes Simon glow: "The line of his cheek silvered and the turn of his shoulder
became sculptured marble." (Golding, chapter 9) Also, it characterizes the moonlight as
creatures that seem to gather around Simon and carry him into the water. Nature is, literally
and figuratively, receiving Simon to herself.

The fact that the other
boys are afforded a chance to remain innocent by not having to deal with the harsh reality of
burying a peer is important to the remainder of the novel. They cannot face their actions just
yet, or they will break down as a society entirely.


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