Tuesday, June 25, 2019

What are the 3 different views of Tom Robinson's trial and its outcome as seen by Atticus, the children, and townspeople?

The town
is, indeed, rather divided over this verdict.  Those who wallow in prejudice think Tom got what
he deserved, of course.  The others, generally those we have met and know by name as outlined by
mwestwood, are distraught by the injustice which has once again occured in their town.  (I would
add Sherrif Heck Tate to the list, as he did what he could to protect Tom before the

The kids have a variety of reactions to the verdict. is
visibly shaken by the injustice because he was mature enough to follow the actual arguments and
understand the laws of reason have been violated. 

"'It ain't right, ....  How could they do it, how could they?'" 

Dill understands less, but he has the emotional reaction already
listed--he is hurt by the verdict and really can't explain why.  's reaction is the least
expressive of the three.  Virtually no commentary or emotion.  Make of that what you

Atticus is not surpirsed, but his hopefulness has been diminished. 

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