Thursday, November 21, 2019

What are the 5 major literary devices in "The Pit and the Pendulum"?

Poe begins
the story with an epigraph, though it is a faux epigraph, since he
wrote it himself. An epigraph is a short quotation at the beginning of a literary work to
suggest the work's theme. "" begins with a Latin inscription Poe himself wrote as
commentary on the fall of the French monarchy in the late 1790s, which Poe relates to the
Spanish Inquisition in his story.

Poe chose the first person
point of view of narration 
to tell the story. Using the first-person pronoun,
"I," Poe pulls the reader into the story by creating intimacy with the person telling
the story.

Poe makes use of sense , creating
sights, sounds, and sensations of the conditions in the dungeon where the narrator is being

Poe utilizes  when he writes "And
now, as I still continued to step cautiously onward, there came thronging upon my recollection a
thousand vague rumors of the horrors of Toledo" to reference the horrors of the Spanish

As he concludes the story, Poe utilizes the deus
ex machina
technique to free the narrator from his tortures; General LaSalle and
his troops rescue him in the nick of time.

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